Can I remove a wall?
One of the most common question we get asked is "Can I remove this wall?" While any wall can be removed, there are several options and considerations that can impact cost and feasibility. We tackle all your questions in this blog.
The Four Biggest Complaints We Hear about Home Repairs (and How We Solve It!)
Why is getting a simple home repair done so challenging? How is it that something that is seemingly so small can lead to such a big headache? The good news is you can have an excellent home repair experience. The bad news: we've heard from many of our clients that their past experiences ranged from frustrating to nightmarish. Ultimately, four issues will get in the way of you getting your home repairs done. Here’s how we solve them.
Thirteen Small Home Repairs that can Save You a Big Headache
A house that isn't cared for will develop minor problems. Over time, minor problems become big (expensive) problems. We've outlined thirteen little repairs you can do now to save you a big headache later.
How to Ensure You have a Healthy Crawlspace
For most people, the crawlspace is where you stash your lawnmower and the paint from the previous owner, and you never want to go into it for fear of some critters jumping out at you. While the crawlspace serves a purpose, it's not where you'd like to hang out. Thus, any problems that manifest can go weeks, months, or even years unnoticed.
Don’t Make This Mistake When Doing a Home Repair
When you need a repair done, there are typically two ways to do it: fix it for now or fix it for good. Fixing it for now will handle the problem in the short term, but it doesn't even acknowledge that there could be a more serious root problem that needs to be addressed.